Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sick little boy

I've had this cough for a couple of weeks now. It's not fun at all, especially because I can't sleep really well during the night. I guess last night was really bad, so mommy took me to the doctor this morning. Apparently, I have a sinus infection. I have to take medicine with breakfast and before I go to bed, but luckily it tastes pretty good. The good thing is, I got to stay home with mommy and Cooper today. That's always fun!

Hopefully I can do back to school tomorrow. As much as I have fun at home, I kind of miss my friends and my teacher, but don't tell my parents that. :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Jumping in the crib

Feed Me

So I'm almost 10 months old, and you know what, I still have zero teeth! But don't let that fool you; I'm no slouch when it comes to food. I've been practicing a lot lately eating foods that I can pick up with my fingers. I think I'm doing a pretty good job. Of course, sometimes I just end up throwing the food on the floor. Have I told you how nice Cooper treats me lately??? I wonder why... Here are a few pictures of me doing what I do best.

Eating banana on the Riverwalk in San Antonio.

Eating cheerios in Fredericksburg.

Eating grilled cheese.

Future Picasso

This weekend turned out to be gorgeous, so instead of staying indoors and playing with my blocks and cars, my parents thought it would be a great idea to go outside and experiment with finger paints. As you can see from the pictures, I had a really good time. My artwork is hanging on the fridge!
I was a total mess, but it was so much fun!

I think I got more on my body than on the plate!

My parents are crazy!!! They videotaped me and took LOTS of pictures.

Party Time

On Saturday, I went to a birthday party for one of my little friends at school. I pretty much played with some toys by myself, but then some of the older girls played with me, too. Mommy even let me try a tiny piece of cake. It was so YUMMY!!! I can't wait for my own party!

I was so EXHAUSTED after partying hard!!! (Sorry it's out of order)

Here I am with Ms. Ashley at the party. I was pretty tired by this time, though, so no smiles.

I'm trying to reach for the birthday girl's hand. I'm such a sweet little boy. We were holding hands for about 5 seconds!
Here's the birthday girl blowing out her candle. Boy was that cake yummy! I can't wait for my own birthday cake!
Just playing with the older girls. What can I say, I'm a ladies man!

I'm hanging out with another buddy from school. Check out my new sandals.

Hi Friends!

Hi Everyone! This is our new way of sharing what's going on in my life. By the way, I'm Brody. I'll be 10 months old on Thursday. Pretty exciting stuff! To give everyone a quick recap of the past 9.9 months of my life, I started daycare about one month ago. I LOVE it!!! My teacher's name is Ms. Ashley. She's pretty awesome. Before that, my Daddy was watching me. I'm a pretty fast crawler. In fact, nowadays, I'm chasing my dog, Cooper, all over the house. Sometimes, my Daddy and Mommy try to chase me, too! We have a blast. I also like to walk along the sofas and I especially like to pull up on everything. Sometimes, I pull up on a chair and then start pushing it so I can walk. Speaking of that, I can't wait until I can walk by myself. Then I'll really have some fun!